Friday, February 18, 2011

Blender Sports?

okay its time I defined this sport seeing as its almost time to call a meeting of the Blender Sports society. The first warm and blue skied weekend around Memorial Day ( maybe earlier this year after all the snow and now early Spring weather).

  1. Jimmy Buffett, Brother Iz  and Ka’au Crater Boys playing loudly. to set the mood
  2. Call all your friends to come over and bring
    1. A Blender
    2. Favorite frozen drink (boat drink) ingredients
    3. Hawaiian Shirt and sandals MUST BE WORN BY ALL
    4. Suntan lotion – Coconut or Banana scented preferred
    5. Panama Jack hat optional
  3. large table
  4. Lots of power outlets.
  5. Ice, lots of ice as there is never too much ice for Blender Sports
  6. Straws
  7. Snacks or a Tropical BBQ
  8. Laughter and good times

Everyone wins at Blender Sports.

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