Saturday, July 30, 2011

Hot Dog Johnny’s– A bit of Americana

2011-07-28_18-31-05_157Growing up in Florida I watched the roadside Americana slowly rot away. I visited as much as I could before it was gone, disappearing into the ground and lost to the next generation. In this time of thrill rides and intense entertainment we need to slow down and enjoy life. Here in New Jersey I am striving to do the same and I managed to find a classic roadside spot. Open since 1944, Hot Dog Johnny’s is just that. A simple roadside stand that is still enjoyed by this generation and hopefully the next. Just a small building with outdoor 2011-07-28_18-20-47_679picnic bench seating and a simple menu. Summer is of course their busiest season. They serve hot dogs, whole pickles, French fries, buttermilk and Birch beer. There is also ice cream and milkshakes, but that really is it. A simple menu done very well. A summer time visit means a Birch beer in a frosted mug is a must, yes you can get it in a cup but then you will miss the frosty coldness of the mug in your hand and the frozen chunks of birch beer floating up from the depths of the mug. Ordering a hot dog all the way, will get you a hot dog loaded with mustard, onions and a long slice of pickle. The French fries as just plain old fashioned potatoes, no seasonings to over power.  A slice of the past, a feeling of going back in time, Hot Dog Johnny’s fits into anyone’s budget also. I was able to feed 4 adults and a teenager for under $30.00. We all walked away full and happy. Please take a moment and enjoy Hot Dog Johnny’s a true New Jersey classic and a link to America’s past here in the present of today.


Hotdog Johnny’s

333 Route 46

Belvidere, NJ 07823

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